Mreženje s predstavniki združenja Stowarzyszenie AGROEKOTON iz Poljske/ Networking with representatives of Stowarzyszenie association AGROEKOTON from Poland, 18.8.2021
Mreženje s predstavniki združenja Stowarzyszenie AGROEKOTON iz Poljske/ Networking with representatives of Stowarzyszenie association AGROEKOTON from Poland, 18.8.2021
18. 8. 2021
SI Na Inštitutu za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije smo danes gostili združenje Stowarzyszenie AGROEKOTON iz Poljske. Veseli nas, da lahko znanje o biokrožnem gospodarstvuv hmeljarstvu širimo tudi v druge države.
EN We presented our LIFE BioTHOP project to association Stowarzyszenie AGROEKOTON from Poland today at the Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing. We are glad to spread the knowledge about circular economy in hop sector also to other countries.