Predstavitev rezultatov o kompostiranju na IHGC/ Presentation of results on hop biomass composting at IHGC
5. 7. 2022
SI Danes smo svoje rezultate o kompostiranju predstavili na International Hop Grower’s Convention Scientific-Technical Commission v Lugu, Španija. Poslušalci in predavatelji so strokovnjaki na področju hmeljarstva iz celega sveta in si bodo v treh dneh izmenjali znanje in izkušnje. Vsaka država ima svoj način obdelave hmeljevine po obiranju in danes smo jim predstavili rešitve, ki jih preučujemo v okviru projekta.
EN At the IHGC scientific comission conference in Galicia, Spain, with more than 60 hop researchers from all around the World, Lucija Luskar from the Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing presented results on hop biomass composting. The listeners and lecturers are experts in the field of hops from all over the world and will exchange knowledge and experience over the course of three days. Each country has its own way of processing hop biomass after harvesting, and today we presented them the solutions that we are studying within the project.