Virtual conference On the road with the Slovenian green agreement/ Virtualen strokovni posvet Na poti k slovenskemu zelenemu dogovoru, 29.9.2020 ob 10.00
Virtual conference On the road with the Slovenian green agreement/ Virtualen strokovni posvet Na poti k slovenskemu zelenemu dogovoru, 29.9.2020 ob 10.00
2. 10. 2020
SLO V okviru LIFE projektov Celebio in Bridge2Bio je bil organiziran virtualen posvet “Na poti k slovenskemu zelenemu dogovoru”. Na posvetu smo predstavili projekt BioTHOP in možnost uporabe biomase hmelja v novih produktih.
EN As part of the Celebio and Bridge2Bio LIFE projects, a virtual conference “On the Road to the Slovenian Green Agreement” was organized. At the conference, we presented the BioTHOP project and the possibility of using hop biomass in new products.