19. 10. 2023
SI Obiskali so nas hrvaški kolegi Programa LIFE – HR Nacionalna kontakt točka, ki deluje v okviru hrvaškega gospodarskega ministrstva, pa tudi predstavniki hrvaških podjetij in raziskovalnih centrov.
Z gosti smo delili znanje in izkušnje, ki jim imamo s projekti LIFE Programme. Predstavili smo jih podjetje TECOS, predvsem pa vsebino sodelovanj pri različnih LIFE projektih: LIFE Biothop, LIFE Ceplafib, LIFE Citruspack in Life-BAQUA. Obisk je bil tudi odlična priložnost za nova povezovanja in iskanja skupnih izzivov.
Cenjeni kolegi, hvala za obisk!
EN We were visited by our Croatian colleagues from the LIFE Programme – the Croatian National Contact Point, which is part of the Croatian Ministry of Economy, as well as by representatives of Croatian companies and research centres.
We shared with our guests our knowledge and experience with LIFE Programme projects and presented them TECOS and especially the content of our cooperation in different LIFE projects: LIFE Biothop, LIFE Ceplafib, LIFE Citruspack and Life-BAQUA. The visit was also a great opportunity to make new connections and find common challenges.
Dear colleagues, thank you for your visit!
We shared with our guests our knowledge and experience with LIFE Programme projects and presented them TECOS and especially the content of our cooperation in different LIFE projects: LIFE Biothop, LIFE Ceplafib, LIFE Citruspack and Life-BAQUA. The visit was also a great opportunity to make new connections and find common challenges.
Dear colleagues, thank you for your visit!