SLO Organizirali smo Zoom srečanje z našimi replikativnimi regijami, ki sodelujejo pri projektu in na svojih hmeljiščih uporabljajo biorazgradljivo BioTHOP vrvico. Poleg demo regije Spodnje Savinjske doline SI, vrvico testirajo v Belgiji, na Češkem, Avstriji in Srbiji, prav tako pa tudi v vseh drugih SI hmeljarskih regijah (Koroška, Ptuj, Ormož) ter v manjšem nasadu hmelja na Primorskem (Pivovarna Zajc). Skupaj na več kot 20 ha. Pogovarjali smo se o BioTHOP vrvici in kako kompostirati biomaso hmelja in biorazgradljive vrvice po obiranju. Le še nekaj tednov in začelo se bo obdobje obiranja hmelja.
EN We organised a Zoom meeting with our Replicative Regions, who collaborate in the project and use biodegradable BioTHOP twine in their hop fields. This year BioTHOP twine in addition to the demo region of the Lower Savinja Valley, SI, is being tested in hop fields in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Austria and Serbia as well as in all other SI hop regions (Koroška, Ptuj, Ormož) and a small hop plantation in Primorska, (Pivovarna Zajc). All together on more than 20 ha. We talked about the BioTHOP twine and how to compost hop biomass biodegradable twine after harvesting. Just a few more weeks and the hop harvesting periods will begin.