Delavnica “Biološke rešitve za plastiko prihodnosti”/ Workshop “Biobased solutions for the plastic of the future”

SI Vabimo Vas na spletno delavnico “Biološke rešitve za plastiko prihodnosti”, ki bo potekala 31. maja 2022 od 11.30 do 13.00 ure. Delavnico skupaj organizirata projekta LIFE BioTHOP in REVOLUZION, potekala pa bo v okviru Zelenega tedna EU 2022. Predstavljenih bo nekaj rezultatov teh projektov.

Povezava do registracije na delavnico:

EN We kindly invite you to online workshop “Biobased solutions for the plastic of the future”, which will happen on 31st of May 2022, from 11:30- 13:00 h. The workshop is jointly planned by LIFE BioTHOP and REVOLUZION projects, and will take place in the 2022 EU Green Week. It will present some results from these projects.

Link to registration to the workshop: