SI 7. junija 2022 smo se zbrali vsi partnerji, iz 5-tih držav EU, na 7. srečanju v Zaragozi. Srečanje je gostil partner iz Španije Tecnopackaging, ki nam je razkazal mesto Zaragoza in podjetje. V okviru projekta je bilo z vlaken hmeljevine iz Savinjske doline izdelanih enajst 100 % biorazgradljivih izdelkov (npr. folija za mulčenje iz hmeljeve biomase, pladnji za maslo, žlica za obuvanje čevljev, itd) .
EN On 7 June 2022, all 7 partners from 5 EU countries gathered in Zaragoza for the 7th SC meeting. Partner TECNOPACKAGING hosted the event and showed us around not only the company but also Zaragoza. Eleven 100% biodegradable products were (a mulching film from waste hop biomass, butter trays, shoe horns etc.) made by Tecnopackaging and TECOS using hops fibres from the Savinja Valley extracted by ZelfoTechnology.