SI Ob začetku zaključne konference #LIFEproject #BioTHOP, ki je potekala 15. novembra in se je je udeležilo okoli 100 udeležencev iz vsega sveta, so direktor IHPS, g. Bojan Cizej in financerji projekta pozdravili udeležence. Brez njih bi BioTHOP ideje verjetno ostale samo na papirju. Vsem se še enkrat zahvaljujemo: programu #LIFE EU za 55 odstotno financiranje, Ministrstvu za okolje in prostor, vsem šestim občinam Spodnje Savinjske doline in Združenju hmeljarjev Slovenije. Verjamemo, da je bila podpora lokalne skupnosti in hmeljarjev eden od dejavnikov, da je BioTHOP dobil podporo tudi v Bruslju. V imenu vseh šestih občin Spodnje Savinjske doline, to so Žalec, Braslovče, Tabor, Polzela, Vransko in Prebold, je dr. Darja Majkovič, direktorica občinske uprave Žalec, čestitala za rezultate projektov in povedala, da bodo bdeli nad implementacijo biorazgradljive vrvice v Savinjski dolini v prakso. Gospod Janez Oset, predsednik Združenja hmeljarjev Slovenije in vitez hmelja- podeljuje ga Mednarodna hmeljarska organizacija (ta naziv podelijo le redkim), je povedal, da so zadovoljni z rezultati projekta in se veselijo, da bo vrvica BioTHOP na voljo vsem hmeljarjem po razumni ceni. Sprejela nas je tudi ga. Tatjana Orhini Valjavec Ministrstva za okolje in prostor, ki je prav tako bil financer projekta in nam povedala nekaj o programu LIFE. Tudi mednarodna hmeljarska organizacija je projekt podpirala že od samega začetka. Tega smo zelo veseli in hvaležni za vso razširjanje rezultatov projekta na širši mednarodni ravni. Lahko rečemo, da večina hmeljarjev in strokovnjakov na tem področju pozna vsaj nekaj rezultatov projekta BioTHOP. V njihovem imenu nas je pozdravil njihov generalni sekretar, dr. Martin Pavlovič. Ob koncu uradne slovesnosti smo poslušali prijetno pesem, ki so jo slovenski hmeljarji povzeli za svojo himno, z naslovom Savinjska dolina (ki je bila tudi demo regija projekta BioTHOP).
EN At the start of the final conference of the EU #LIFEproject #BioTHOP, which took place on the 15th of Nov, and was attended by around 100 participants from all over the World, IHPS manager Mr Bojan Cizej and the financers of the project welcomed the participants. Without them the BioTHOP ideas would probably stay just on the paper. We thank them all once more: the #LIFEprogramme of the EU for participation of 55%, Slovenian Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, all six municipalities of Lower Savinja Valley and the Slovenian Hop Growers Association. We believe that support from the local community and hop growers was one strong fact that BioTHOP got its support in Brussels as well. In the name of all six municipalities of Lower Savinja Valley, that are Žalec, Braslovče, Tabor, Polzela, Vransko and Prebold dr. Darja Majkovič, the Director of the municipality of Žalec, congratulated for the projects’ results and told that they will keep an eye on the implementation of the biodegradable twine in the valley in the hop grower’s practice. Mr Janez Oset, a president of the Slovenian Hop growers’ Association and the Officer of the Order of the Hop – awarded by the International Hop Growers’ Convention, which title is awarded to just a few people in the World, told that they are happy with the project results and they look forward that the BioTHOP twine will be available to all hop growers with a reasonable price. Ms Tatjana Orhini Valjavec from the project financer Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning welcomed us and also told us something more about the LIFE programme. The International Hop Growers’ Convention was supporting the project right from its beginning. We are very happy for this and thankful for all dissemination of the project results on the wide international level. We can say that the majority of hop growers and professionals in this field know at least some emphasis of the BioTHOP results. Dr. Martin Pavlovič, the Secretary General, welcomed us in their name. At the end of the official ceremony, we were listening and watching a nice song which was adopted by the Slovenian hop growers as their anthem, called Savinja River Valley (which was also a demo region of the BioTHOP project).