![Fotka članka Richard](https://www.life-biothop.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Fotka-članka-Richard.jpg)
SI Članek je iz junijske izdaje mesečnika “FORUM” Brandenburg Economics/Industrial. Na fotografiji Richard Hurding iz podjetja Zelfo Tehnology, ki je partner projekta LIFE BioTHOP, predstavlja ploščo BioTHOP iz hmeljevih vlaken in PLA (ki so jo izdelali v Zelfovi testni tovarni v Schwedtu) sekretarju nemškega ministrstva za gospodarstvo in ministru za gospodarstvo v Brandenburgu.
EN This article is taken from “FORUM”, the June edition of the Brandenburg Economics/Industrial monthly magazine. In the photo, Richard Hurding from Zelfo Technology, a partner of the LIFE BioTHOP project, is showing a BioTHOP Hops/PLA panel (that they produced at Zelfo’s test plant in Schwedt) to the Secretary of the German Ministry of Economics and to the Minister of Economics in Brandenburg.