BioTHOP in Mednarodni industrijski sejem 2022/ BioTHOP and International Industrial Fair 2022 in Celje, 4. - 8. April 2022
8. 4. 2022
SI V okviru Mednarodnega industrijskega sejma 2022, se je s svojimi izdelki predstavil tudi projekt LIFE BioTHOP. Sejem si je ogledalo 13.700 obiskovalcev. Sodelovalo je 300 direktnih razstavljalcev iz 10-tih držav in 800 zastopanih blagovnih znamk iz 30-tih držav. Slogan sejma – plastika ni težava, je rešitev!
EN As part of the International Industrial Fair 2022, the LIFE BioTHOP project was also presented with its results. The fair was visited by 13,700 visitors. 300 direct exhibitors from 10 countries and 800 represented brands from 30 countries participated. The slogan of the fair – plastic is not a problem, it is a solution!