SI Ponosni smo! Po 1. mestu na slavnostni podelitvi nagrad in priznanj Inovator leta 2021 Spodnje Savinjske doline za razvoj biorazgradljivega materiala in izdelkov BioTHOP, je istoimenski projekt LIFE BioTHOP požel še eno izjemno priznanje – zlato priznanje najboljših inovacij celjske regije.
Čestitke za idejo dr. Barbari Čeh (IHPS) in dr. Vesni Žepič Bogataj (TECOS) in partnerjem ter sofinancerjem (LIFE EU program, MOP, vseh 6 občin Spodnje Savinjske doline, Združenje hmeljarjev Slovenija) in vsem, ki že tri leta podpirate projekt!
Z osvojitvijo zlatega priznanja v celjski regiji se je projekt LIFE BioTHOP uvrstil tudi na nacionalno raven ter se bo v konkurenci najboljših inovacij v Sloveniji potegoval za najvišja priznanja na nacionalni ravni. Seveda pa sta nagradi tudi obligacija, da bo krožno gospodarstvo v hmeljarstvo čim prej vpeljano v prakso Spodnje Savinjske doline.
EN We are proud! After the 1st place at the awards ceremony for the Innovator of the Year 2021 of the Lower Savinja Valley for the development of biodegradable material and products BioTHOP, the same name LIFE BioTHOP project has received another outstanding award – the golden award for the best innovation of the Celje region.
Congratulations to dr. Barbara Čeh (IHPS) and dr. Vesna Žepič Bogataj (TECOS) for the idea, to the partners and co-financiers (EU LIFE Programme, MOP, all 6 municipalities of the Lower Savinja Valley, the Association of Slovenian Hop Growers) and to all those who have supported the project for the last three years!
By winning the gold award in the Celje region, the LIFE BioTHOP project has also qualified for the national level and will compete for the highest awards at the national level in the competition for the best innovations in Slovenia. Of course, the awards are also a commitment that the circular economy will be put into practice in the Lower Savinja Valley as soon as possible.
Več na/ More at: https://www.facebook.com/195376649880/videos/1123400475189791 https://www.facebook.com/TelevizijaCelje/videos/5373391599392275 https://www.facebook.com/vtvstudioslo/videos/451826286779313