SI Rastline hmelja počasi zaključujejo svojo rastno sezono. V rastlinjakih IHPS poteka čiščenje in priprava sadik na zimsko mirovanje. Sadilni lončki so biorazgradljivi, narejeni pa so iz hmeljnih vlaken, PLA in PBS. Lončki se med seboj razlikujejo v razmerju teh treh materialov, med seboj jih ločimo z internimi oznakami. Podrobnih vrednotenj se bomo lotili v kratkem, rezultate pa bomo poslali podjetju TECOS, ki bo nato izbral najprimernejše razmerje med vhodnimi materiali.
EN Hop plants are slowly completing their growing season. In IHPS greenhouses, seedlings are cleaned and prepared for winter dormancy. Planting pots are biodegradable and made from hop fibers, PLA and PBS. The pots differ from each other in the ratio of these three materials and are separated from each other by internal labels. Detailed evaluations will be undertaken shortly, and the results will be sent to TECOS, which will then select the most appropriate ratio between the input materials.