Gostovanje v podkastu #LIFEis30/ Appearance in podcast #LIFEis30

SI Izšla je četrta epizoda podkasta #LIFEis30, v kateri se prepletajo teme kakovost hrane, zmanjšanje zavržene hrane ter trajnostna proizvodnja. Namen projekta LIFE BioTHOP je predstavila njegova vodja, Dr. Barbara Čeh. Vabljeni k poslušanju!
Program LIFE je instrument EU za financiranje okoljskih in podnebnih ukrepov. Začel je delovati leta 1992 in je do sedaj sofinanciral več kot 5500 projektov na področju varstva okolja, od tega 60 v Sloveniji.

EN The fourth episode of the podcast #LIFEis30 has been released, in which the topics of food quality, decreasing of food waste and sustainable production are present. The purpose of the LIFE BioTHOP project was presented by its leader, Dr. Barbara Čeh. You are welcome to listen!
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. It began in 1992 and so far has co-financed more than 5 500 projects in the field of environmental protection, from these, 60 in Slovenia.