Izmenjava dobrih praks – mesti Žalec in Buzet/ Exchange of good practices – the towns of Žalec and Buzet (CRO)


SLO Konec meseca junija  je delegacija Občine Žalec in Razvojne agencije Savinja obiskala Mesto Buzet, kjer se nahaja tudi Istrska pivovarna. Poleg izmenjave dobrih praks med lokalnimi skupnostmi glede COVID 19, je bila to tudi priložnost za predstavitev projekta LIFE BioTHOP.

EN At the end of June, a delegation from the Municipality of Žalec and Partner DAS visited the City of Buzet, where the Istrian Brewery is located. In addition to exchanging good practices between local communities on COVID 19, this was also an opportunity to present the LIFE BioTHOP project.