SLO Rezultate projekta LIFE BioTHOP smo predstavili v okviru 51. sejma NARAVA in ZDRAVJE v Ljubljani. Veseli smo, da je razstavno mesto IHPS obiskal kmetijski minister dr. Jože Podgoršek z delegacijo. Prijetno smo poklepetali in mu predstavili novosti na projektu. Dogajanje na zanimivo urejenem kotičku, pa so spremljali tudi drugi obiskovalci sejma, ki smo jim razdelili tudi promocijski material projekta. Prav tako smo izkoristili priložnost mreženja (Umanotera, projekt LIFE Care4climate, Ecotrophelia).
EN The results of the LIFE BioTHOP project were presented at the 51st NATURE and HEALTH fair in Ljubljana. We are pleased that the IHPS exhibition site was visited by the Minister of Agriculture, dr. Jože Podgoršek with a delegation. We had a pleasant chat and introduced him to the novelties on the project. The exhibition site was also followed by other visitors of the fair, to whom we also distributed project promotional material. There was also a nice networking opportunity (Umanotera, LIFE Care4climate project, Ecotrophelia).