Article published in Applied Sciences, special issue: Frontier Research in Hop – The Quantity and Composition of Leachate from Hop Plant Biomass during Composting Process/ Objava znanstvenega članka – Količina in sestava izcednih voda hmeljevine med postopkom kompostiranja

SI V februarju je bil v sklopu znanstvene revije “Applied Sciences, special issue: Frontier Research in Hop” objavljen članek z naslovom The Quantity and Composition of Leachate from Hop Plant Biomass during Composting Process, avtorjev Barbare Čeh,  Lucije Luskar, Aleša Hladnika, Žana Trošta, Julije Polanšek in Boštjana Nagliča.


EN  In February, The Quantity and Composition of Leachate from Hop Plant Biomass during Composting Process article, written by Barbara Čeh,  Lucija Luskar, Aleš Hladnik, Žan Trošt, Julija Polanšek and Boštjan Naglič was published in Applied Sciences, special issue: Frontier Research in Hop.

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