Naravovarstveni center Poda, Bolgarija in povezovanje z LIFE projekti/ Nature Conservation Poda, Bulgaria and Networking with LIFE projects, 14.8.2021

SLO Barbara Čeh in Lucija Luskar sta v okviru mednarodne konference in mreženja z drugimi LIFE projekti  obiskali Naravovarstveni center Poda v Bolgariji. Predstavnici BioTHOp projekta sta obiskali to edinstveno območje, kjer imajo ptice svoj koridor na poti na jug. Tukaj se nahajajo tri različna mokrišča (slana, sladka in mešana voda), ki nudijo pomembno zatočišče več kot 300 vrstam ptic . Več na: 

EN As part of an international conference and networking with other LIFE projects, Barbara Čeh in Lucija Luskar visited The nature conservation centre Poda near Burgas, Bulgaria. They visited 1 km2 beautiful and dynamic spot on the earth, where birds have a corridor on their way to the south. There are 3 lakes in the area, one with salty water, one with mixed water and one with freshwater, offering excellent space to relax for more than 300 species of birds. Find more at: