SLO Ekipa IHPS LIFE Biothop ponovno testira novo generacijo biološko razgradljivih in industrijsko kompostabilnih sadilnih lončkov za proizvodnjo sadik hmelja, narejenih iz PLA in hmeljnih vlaken. Prejšnji teden jih je izdelal partner TECOS Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenije. Predstavljajo okolju prijaznejšo alternativo plastičnim izdelkom za enkratno uporabo. Ti bodo v prvi vrsti namenjeni za vzgojo sadik hmelja, kar bomo preizkusili v rastlinjakih Inštituta za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije, seveda pa bodo po potrjenih standardih primerni tudi za sorodna področja uporabe v vrtnarskem in kmetijskem sektorju. Spremljajte projekt in si oglejte kratek video: TEST BioTHOP SADILNIH LONČKOV 2021
EN The LIFE Biothop team of the Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing has started filling soil in the new generation of biodegradable and industrial compostable planting pots for hop plants production, made of PLA and hop waste fibre. They were made at TECOS Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenije last week. They represent more environmentally friendly products as an alternative to disposable single-use plastic products made of fossil-based sources. The planting pots will be primarily applied for the cultivation of hop seedlings so IHPS will test them now in the greenhouse conditions, though after the certified standards on compostability validation, these products will be suitable also for all related application fields in the horticultural and agricultural industry. Follow the project and watch a video Testing of BioTHOP planting pots 2021