13. 12. 2021
SLO 10.12.2021 so bili rezultati projekta BioTHOP predstavljeni na virtualnem sestanku ZERO WASTE ŽALEC predstavnikom Občine Žalec, podjetja Simbio iz Celja in društva Ekologi brez meja (našim podpornikom projekta). Zastavili smo si tudi nove izzive na področju manj odpadkov za prihodnje leto.
EN On 10. 12. 2021 the results of the BioTHOP project were presented at a virtual meeting ZERO WASTE ŽALEC to representatives of the Municipality of Žalec, the company Simbio from Celje and the association Ecologists without Borders (to our project supporters). We also set ourselves new challenges in the field of less waste for next year.