SLO V Žalcu smo, 12. junija 2020, političnim odločevalcem in sofinancerjem Spodnje Savinjske doline predstavili rezultate projekta LIFE BioTHOP. Seznanili smo jih z aktivnostmi in rezultati projekta. Prejeli so tudi drugo šestmesečno poročilo o projektnem delu. Župani so zastavili vprašanja o prihodnjih načrtih projekta in zanimalo jih je trenutno testiranje BioTHOP vrvice in odzivi hmeljarjev v naši dolini.
EN In Žalec, on 12 June 2020, we presented the results of the LIFE BioTHOP project to political decision-makers and co-financiers of the Lower Savinja Valley. We informed them about the activities and results of the project. They also received a second six-month project work report. The mayors asked questions about future project plans and were interested in the current BioTHOP twine testing in our valley.